Sunday, May 10, 2009


My roommate advised that I write this post in "fleshtones." I know this is kinda yellow, but it was the closest I could find to beige.

Tonight a man came in wearing a top that he had purchased earlier in our store. It was a man's tank top, and not the most masculine at that. It did NOT look good on him, but was better than the shirt he was wearing when he came in the first time (a smock-type top with a bright African-inspired print on it.)

Anyway, he comes up to me with three more of the "man-tanks" in his hand, two that still have sensors on them, and tells me that he just bought two of these shirts and would like to exchange them because his wife says they are too tight. I tell him I'll take care of it and ask where the other top is that he would like to exchange.

He proceeds to TAKE OFF THE SHIRT HE'S WEARING and hand it to me saying, "Right here."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!?! When did it become acceptable to take off your clothes at the register and ask to exchange them?!?!?!

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